A powerful C-based programming language with a Windows environment for writing and debugging programs, and the only programming language at this level that offers a comprehensive, real-time debugger.
Includes its own version of firmware for the RCX
The last version that was released with RCX support is now available free of charge
A program editor for the Lego MindStorms RCX programmable brick with the standard LEGO firmware, aimed at keeping a constant link between the PC and the brick
A tool set for modelling, schedulability analysis, synthesis of (optimal) schedules and executable code, supporting system specification, system analysis and code generation for the LegoOS (now BrickOS-Bibo) platform
Historical Reference Only / Superceded or No Longer Available
A programming tool for Lego MindStorms RCX and Lego Cybermaster systems, offering more control over the brick than the software that comes with each system.
The setup installer was broken up into 3 separate zip file downloads, plus an additional update download; unfortunately, only 2 of the 3 setup zip files appear to have survived.
A GUI-based Unix tool to interact with the Lego Mindstorms RCX brick. Using RCXDatalog, you can upload the datalog of the RCX and display it on your screen or print it to a PostScript printer. Plus, there are additional widgets to show light and touch sensor readings of the RCX.
An application for remotely controlling Lego IR-controllable devices such as the RCX, Spybots, and Bionicle RC Fighter via a Lego IR tower using a joystick or game pad
A shared library providing access to the Lego Mindstorms RCX controller brick (pbrick) using the Palm’s IrDA interface, allowing for applications from simple remote controls to complex applications using the Palm as a robot’s main processor and the RCX as an intelligent IO controller.
While not associated with this project, information has also been included about another PalmOS app for the RCX, Ellams Software’s Robotic Mover.
An iconic language tool for the Lego MindStorms RCX, which generates NQC code and can facilitate handling the NQC compilation and deployment processes, too.
A program to create NQC (Not Quite C) files for LEGO Mindstorms robots, using a powerful language and interface to access the full potential of the Lego MindStorms RCX.
A tangible computer language designed to provide a painless introduction to computer programming, creating programs for robots like the Lego MindStorms RCX (also supports NXT).
A .NET library developed for the CodeBricks research project that is specifically designed to read and rewrite .NET binaries and was used in conjuction with the Visual Storms / Sharp Storms projects
A C-style language that includes a number of features not present in NQC: true subroutines, functions w/parameters, bool/float types, large const arrays, math library
It would be fair to say that this represents the work that started it all for the RCX!
Intended to be a lowest-level driver for the Lego RCX, providing an interface between your C code and the RCX ROM, allowing you to easily explore the ROM interface.
Quite C is intended to be a repackaging and reordering of a miniOS (no multitasking!) for the Lego RCX. It provides an interface between your C code and the ROM. The intent is to allow you to write very large programs in C language (neural and pathfinder programs like) with Microsoft Windows platform. LegOS is too Unixish ;)
Each program appears to be created as its own firmware (SREC) file
An alternative RCX operating system and firmware cloning brickOS. The kernel was written from scratch for better performance, but to the average brickOS programmer, changes should be transparent. There is a lot of code borrowed from brickOS, and numerous patches originally targeted for brickOS have been conceptually incorporated. While this project is based on bibo, as brickOS still seems to be the more recognizable name, it has been retained as part of the name.
Additional projects have added support for other programming languages, including the following::
C / C++ (built-in)
XS:Lisp (mostly built-in; additional work is needed to better support user programs)
Esterel (installation of binary prerequisties is necessary in order to compile programs for the RCX)
Esterel demo programs are already included with BrickOS-Bibo; install the Esterel compiler and this back-end extension to be able to build and use them
Eclipse plug-ins that simplify developing Java code for the Lego MindStorms RCX using the leJOS JVM, offering easy configuration through a project wizard and a preference page, using Eclipse code building, and adding RCX-specific operations both for firmware and byte-code download.
A visual interface for leJOS. RCXDownload automatically sets the JDK-, leJOS- and ClassPaths, compiles the chosen Java-Source, shows the compiler messages and is able to link and load both the compiled classes and the leJOS-firmware.
A small toolkit to aid in the uploading of Java programs to LEGO MindStorms RCX bricks, providing functionality of the leJOS library in the development environment for this purpose
The leJOS Visual Interface is a skin over the command-line commands for the leJOS firmware. It also is a simple editor that can have many files open at once.
A replacement firmware and VM that can execute Java programs in the Lego Mindstorms RCX, supporting several of the most useful features of the Java language.
Breaks the 32-variable limit imposed by the official Lego firmware (like other firmware replacements such as brickOS and pbForth also do)
Communicate with the Lego RCX controller without the need of a Lego IR tower, converting between the IrDA and cIR protocols. Includes support for Java Native Interface (JNI).
A library supporting IR communication over the Lego MindStorms IR tower. It can be used from C programs on Posix compliant platforms, supports multiple protocols and is designed to be a replacement for lnpd.
A simple TCP data reflector for quickly building distributed applications. It can broadcast data from one client to many (or many to many) with little system overhead. Written in heavily commented ‘c’, with example clients in TCL.
Projects for Interacting with Other Devices
Some of these projects are currently hosted in external repositories but can be transferred or imported if there is interest
RCX-PI (leJOS-based): an experimental API to integrate a Raspberry PI with a Lego MindStorms RCX by using smartphone sensors and cameras to allow seamless remote control and further robotics related development
RoboRemote↗ (leJOS-based): Remotely contol an RCX using an attached smartphone, light sensors, leJOS, WebSockets, and Go
RemoteMindStorm↗ (NQC-based): Control an RCX via LeapMotion and voice, using a basic messaging scheme
Includes a number of binary *.jar and *.so files in version control